The Pigeon | Patrick Süskind #DEUnovella

At the time the pigeon affair overtook him, unhinging his life from one day to the next, Jonathan Noel, already past fifty, could look back over a good twenty-year period of total uneventfulness and would never have expected anything of importance could ever overtake him again- other than death some day.

What on earth do I say about this little odd-bod of a novella? The Pigeon is certainly one of the quirkiest stories I’ve read this month. Although I should have expected something of this kind after reading Perfume by Süskind in 2014. I was completely spellbound by the oddity of Perfume, but unfortunately The Pigeon didn’t grab me in the same way.

Jonathan Noel is a solitary man, close to retirement from his job as a security guard at a bank in Paris. He is a reserved man who loves his routines.

We learn a little of his backstory – a mother who was deported to a concentration camp during WWII, followed quickly by his father. He and his sister were surreptiously taken to an unknown uncle who lived in the countryside where they lived unhappily until old enough to leave. His sister emigrated to Canada, while he went off to fight in the war in Indochina. Upon his return (after being wounded) his uncle married him off to a local girl, who happened to by five months pregnant to another man. As soon as the baby was born she took off to Tunisia with her latest lover. Jonathan learnt from all of this ‘that you cannot depend on people.’

He moved to Paris, got a job as a security guard and basically led the life of a recluse, when he wasn’t working at the bank. And he was content. Until the morning he opened his door and found a pigeon sitting on the tiles in the hallway of his chambre de bonne in rue de la Planche.

The sight of the pigeon threw his carefully calibrated world spinning out of control.

He imagined it attacking him, bringing in friends, so that he was being attacked by a swarm of birds. ‘Random terrors‘ overwhelmed him. For Jonathan, a pigeon was the ‘epitome of chaos and anarchy.’

After planning a desperate excape from his buillding and the pigeon, his day went from bad to worse. One glitch in his much-loved routine upset every other detail of his day. A day filled with the idea that he could never return to his safe haven ever again thanks to the pigeon at his door. Jonathan was clearly a master of catastrophic thinking!

He came to realise how quickly life can turn and change, that nothing is secure, ‘the apparently solidly laid foundations of one’s existence could crumble.’

Obviously, our paranoid protagonist has some unresolved childhood issues going on here. I also know a number of people who have a bird phobia – something about all that flapping & pecking and the whole ‘rats on wings’ thing. I get it. I even get the whole existential angst thing – I’m sure we’ve all had one of those long, dark teatimes of the soul kind of nights where we wonder what it’s all for. Yet, I never really got on board with Jonathan’s dilemma. Instead of sympathising or empathising, I found him rather ridiculous.

The pigeon is normally considered a symbol of good luck and well-being, not so for our hapless protagonist. It is also a symbol for transformation which is perhaps closer to the mark in this case.


Favourite Quote:

But if you could not close a door behind you to take a shit in the city – even if it was just the door to a shared toilet – if this one, most essential freedom was taken from you, the freedom, that is, to withdraw from other people when necessity called, then all other freedoms were worthless. Then life had no more meaning. Then it would be better to be dead.

Favourite or Forget:

Curiously, it has been over a week since I read The Pigeon, and it has lingered more than I thought it would. I didn’t love and it and it didn’t hate it. I did however, admire it’s near-perfect novella formation.

As someone also prone to catastrophic thinking, I have since found it amusing/instructive to say the word ‘pigeon’ to myself the couple of times I was tempted to go down the catastrophic thinking path. It pulled me up sharp and made me laugh instead – a much better choice than doom & gloom thinking! Although not always easy to remember at 3am.

Title:  The Pigeon | Die Taube
Author: Patrick Süskind
Translator: John E. Woods
ISBN: 9780141045269
Imprint: Penguin General UK
Published: 29 June 2009 (originally published in German 1987)
Format: Paperback
Pages: 77
Dates Read: 5 November - 9 November 2022 (read during a roadtrip to Albury)
This post was written on the traditional land of the Wangal clan, one of the 29 clans of the Eora Nation within the Sydney basin. This Reading Life recognises the continuous connection to Country, community and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They are the traditional custodians of the lands, seas, and skies on which we live and they are this nations first storytellers.

19 thoughts on “The Pigeon | Patrick Süskind #DEUnovella

  1. Like you I loved Perfume. Such an amazingly sustained chilling character. I’d be intrigued to read more but you haven’t inspired me about this one. I had never thought what pigeons symbolise but I probably wouldn’t have thought well-being!


    1. I had to Duck, Duck, Go pigeon symbolism I must confess. The positive associtaions have something to do with the longevity of the pigeon/human relationship. Apparently.

      Afterwards I read the many rave reviews on Goodreads and wondered if I had missed something important though *shrug*


  2. I don’t look for stories in Literature, just discussion of a character or situation. So I often enjoy characters in odd situations. Am I finding a story in Voss? Not really, but I’m enjoying it well enough.


    1. I’m happy to try all kinds of writing styles, plot/no plot, genres etc, but I do need characters or at least one character that I can get behind. At the moment I don’t really have anyone in Voss that I’m barracking for – except maybe Judd.
      And in the end, it was the pigeon I was barracking for in this one!!


  3. Odd indeed. I did like his The Perfume, although odd as well. This sounds even weirder and somewhat gloomy. However, you thoughts in the end might make me read it. If it is a novell it should not be that long. I read that Süskind is living a rather recluse life itself, so maybe, somehow, it is somewhat autobiographical?


    1. Ahhh that would make sense. I was wondering about Suskind’s backstory but forgot to look into it.
      I’d be curious to read what you thinkn about it if you do decide to give it a go (as you say, it’s a quick read).

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Hmm.. been reluctant to read Perfume for quite a long time. From what I’ve read, it seems quirk and not at all to my taste (though I usually love murder stories). And reading your post convinced me never to pick Suskind’s, LOL. Thanks anyway.. 😛


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