Reading Orwell 2024 Masterpost

Reading George Orwell

Hopefully this will be the most relaxed and flexible reading event you have ever participated in!

Our aim is simple – to read any or all of the Orwells or Orwell-related books on your TBR stack at any time throughout 2024. New books, old books, borrowed books, audio, rereads, adaptations, biographies, fiction and non-fiction are all welcome.

My list includes:

  • Homage to Catalonia
  • Down and Out in Paris and London
  • 1984 (reread)
  • Animal Farm (reread)
  • DJ Taylor’s Orwell: The New Life (2023)
  • Sylvia Topp’s biography of Eileen (2020)
  • Oliver Lewis’ The Orwell Tour (2023)
  • Sandra Newman’s new book Julia (2023)

My Reading Orwell Schedule

I have started both Eileen: The Making of Orwell (mid-Dec) and Homage to Catalonia (1st Jan). And I read Orwell’s 1940 review of Mein Kampf a couple of weeks ago after Paula @Book Jotter included this link in her incredible weekly round-up of articles.

But after that, anything could happen!

I’m not going to create a strict reading schedule for myself as I know I will need breaks and be tempted by new releases at work. The chances of being influenced by what I’ve read and going off on tangents is also very high. During the in between times though, I will make my way through the list of essays above that can be found, with other bibs and bobs, on The Orwell Foundation.

If you would like to join in #ReadingOrwell24, I would be very happy for the company for part or all of the year. Any Orwell book or essay, Orwell biography or Orwellian-styled books are welcome, in any order or timeframe that suits you best.


  • 1934 – Burmese Days
  • 1935 – A Clergyman’s Daughter
  • 1936 – Keep the Aspidistra Flying
  • 1939 – Coming Up for Air
  • 1945 – Animal Farm
  • 1949 – Nineteen Eighty-Four


  • 1933 – Down and Out in Paris and London
  • 1937 – The Road to Wigan Pier
  • 1938 – Homage to Catalonia

Essays: (links on title will take you to my reviews)


Orwell related Books & Posts:

Reading Orwell Objectives

Without being too pedantic or academic about this, one of the reasons I wish to read Orwell now is to consider the man within the age he lived. Anna Funder’s Wifedom raises all sorts of questions about viewing history and individuals through a modern-day lens. Orwell himself was aware of this predicament or predilection (depending on how you view it).

Rebecca Solnit points out in her book (Orwell’s Roses) that Orwell was good at discussing class and power and confronting uncomfortable truths about inequality and racism, but his ‘blindspot’ was gender. I have also read at different times that his flaws included being righteous, judgemental and too English.

It’s time to find out for myself.

How to join in Reading Orwell?

Simply leave a comment below or write a list of which books/essays you might like to read, linking back to this post. It’s that simple and flexible.

If you’d rather take a photo of your Orwells or share on socials please use #ReadingOrwell24 (I’m on Instagram @this_r_e_a_d_i_n_g_life and Bluesky these days).

This is our MASTERPOST for the year. I will add your review links as they come in. I can’t wait to see which ones you choose!

This post was written on the traditional land of the Wangal clan, one of the 29 clans of the Eora Nation within the Sydney basin. This Reading Life recognises the continuous connection to Country, community and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They are the traditional custodians of the lands, seas, and skies on which we live and they are this nations first storytellers.

50 thoughts on “Reading Orwell 2024 Masterpost

  1. I’ll definitely be joining in, I was going to say, but not in Jan, which is already hectic, but I need something for next Tues so .. maybe.
    If I do, it will be from ‘The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, vol.3, 1943-45
    I buy Orwells as I see them second hand, I wonder if I will ever see vol.s 1,2 and 4.
    The biog I have is The Unknown Orwell, Stansky & Abrahams

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry for the slow response to this comment but it ended up in spam.

      I’m hoping the year-long nature of this means that we can all just get to one whenever we have gaps in our reading schedules or feel in the mood for an Orwell.


  2. I’m been wanting to get back to Orwell so count me in! Two classics I’ve been wanting to reread are Animal Farm and 1984. I also have two I’ve never read with Coming Up for Air and a collection of essays.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m looking forward to joining in at some point. I’ve got a few in my TBR including Keep the Aspidistra Flying and A Clergyman’s Daughter.

    I can recommend the two-volume essay set published by Pushkin Press a few years ago, and Penguin has a lot of his essays etc published in single volumes that are worth hunting out.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great challenge Brona. I have joined the IG page. I am happy that it lingers over the year, which give you time to read a variety of his writings. I have heard his essays are very good, so hope to find them somewhere. A post will come up in the coming days. Looking forward to see what others are reading and discussions on his writing and views of the world … and women.


  5. Nice! I literally just finished reading Orwell’s The Road to Wigan Pier yesterday! Great read and my first book of the year is already marked down! I’m reading Homage to Catalonia next.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I bought it on Amazon UK for 49p. I don’t know if you can get it in Australia – it’s The Complete Works of George Orwell: Novels, Poetry, Essays: (1984, Animal Farm, Keep the Aspidistra Flying, A Clergyman’s Daughter, Burmese Days, Down … Over 50 Essays and Over 10 Poems) Kindle Edition

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I will be reading Wifedom, and I have the Solnit you kindly sent me. I also have an essay or two left in a little Penguin collection I have that I’ve been honing through. I have read Burmese days, Animal farm, 1984 , and Homage to Catalonia, but have wanted to read Down and out … and Wigan Pier. All this, however, might be biting off more than l can chew.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A year reading Orwell….you know I try to join your read-a-longs. Remember #HLOTRreadalong2017? I did finish the Tolkien books with you be it with difficulty (‘m not a fantasy person) So here we go with Orwell. Good news: I do like Orwell…Bad news: I have to get my ‘reading mojo; into high gear after a long dreary December. You know me, I’ll start with the non-fiction. Road to Wigan Pier. The Orwell Fondation link is very handy, thanks!


        1. WP has tightened the spam filter in the last few weeks and quite a few comments are ending up in spam. It’s better than the hundreds and hundreds of obscene spam though that used to get through.


  8. I love how some current and contemporary books and authors have inspired this project for you too. He’s not someone I have in mind just now, but I will keep him in mind this year and and see if something pops up for me that would fit with your project! I hope it offers you much food for thought as the pages turn.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Marcie, sorry for the delayed response though, a number of comments were in sent to spam. I’m very glad that WP has tightened the filter to get rid of all the gross, crude, offensive spam, but it is a little bit too enthusiastic at times!


  9. I have Keep the Aspidistra Flying fishing around somewhere on the TBR so I’ll do my best to read it this year. I read Homage to Catalonia quite recently and thought it was excellent. The same cannot be said of my also recent reaction to a re-read of Animal Farm – I enjoyed it much more when I was a teenager! Good luck – hope you enjoy your challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t read Animal Fram since I was 15, so I’m curious to see how what I think now. I know a lot more about the Russian Revolution and its after effects than I did back then, but I’ve read a lot more literature since then too.
      I hope Keep the Aspidistra is a better read for you.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. It’s time I read some of my Orwell’s sitting on my TBR. I read Animal Farm and 1984; also I think I’ve a copy of Keep the Aspidistra Flying so these may feature as well or instead of my possible list which is: Orwell’s Roses by Rebecca Solnit | Homage to Catalonia | Down and Out in Paris and London and if I decide to read more or change any of the books I’m not going to worry if these three don’t get read, although I really would like to read the Solnit even if that is the only one I do read!
    I won’t start in January but hope to begin in February 🤞.

    It’s my first dip into an Orwell challenge but this looked like an interesting and gentle one so thanks Brona for hosting.

    My site is: but I’ll add specific links when I’ve read each one, Janet – LoveBooksReadBooks


  11. I’m planning to re-read 1984 this year, so what the heck…I’m in. I’ll write a post up on my blog in a few and link back to this challenge.


  12. Oh wow! I’m so excited by this! Thanks so, so much for starting this Brona.

    I really want to read Wifedom. And I really want to read 1984 so I can read Julia. Never read 1984!!! Only read Animal Farm last year. I have many Orwell books and Orwelliana in the hulking TBR. I actually have an ebook of Books v Cigarettes on loan at the moment. For at least the second time. Maybe now I’ll actually read it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oops sorry Brona it’s Louise Reader, I didn’t realise that this would come up as anonymous, and then it wouldn’t let me log in… c’est la vie. I was so excited that I’ve already started on my Orwellian journey. Am relistening to Animal Farm (read by Stephen Fry, last year it was Simon Callow, both superb versions of course), and then I will listen to 1984.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh Louise!! How wonderful to hear from you again. I see your avatar pop up on Insta occasionally and hope you are doing well too.

        Delighted you can read some Orwell with me this year too. One of my Balmain friends is also listening to the Fry 1984 & Animal Farm and enjoying his tone.

        WP has done all sorts of upgrades recently and one of them is affecting logins not staying logged in and the other is an enthusiastic filter on the spam comments folder, which has done a tremendous job of cleaning up the dross, but now has to be regularly checked for real comments.


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