Non-Fiction November – Week 5

Week 5: (Nov. 26 to 30) – New to My TBR 
It’s been a month full of amazing nonfiction books! 
Which ones have made it onto your TBR? 
Be sure to link back to the original blogger who posted about that book.

Before I get started on this year’s final non-fiction November post I want to discuss the weather.
Sydney is currently being inundated by a major rain system.
We’re expecting a month’s worth of rain in one day.
So far we’ve had 105.6ml from 5:30am to 9am.
I wish I could stay home today, warm and dry and read books and blog, but no, I have to venture out in my gumboots, so this will be quick.

Image source

I have read so many Non-Fiction November posts this year and added so many new books to my Goodreads wish list that I’m not sure I would be able to sort out what book I found on which post.

Nancy has created a fabulous list of #NonFicNov participants with two of their book suggestions that took her fancy.

But I will focus on the books recommended to me back in Week 3 when I asked for assistance in reading about the French Revolution. I asked for both non-fiction and fiction titles.
Nancy – The Chouans – an 1829 novel by Honoré de Balzac
Reese – Napoleon III and his Carnival Empire by John Bierman (& a second rec for the Chouans)

Massacre: The Life and Death of the Paris Commune by John Merriman
The Paris Commune: A Revolution in Democracy by Donny Gluckstein
Ninety-Three the last novel by Victor Hugo
Michael – Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East by Juan Cole
Kate – Marquis de Sade by Maurice Lever
Heather – Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran
Buried in Print – The Eight by Katherine Neville
O – Reflections on the Revolution in France by Edmund Burke
Doing Dewey – The Black Count by Alexander Dumas
The Invisible Emperor: Napoleon on Elba by Mark Braude

Whispering Gums Dancing to the Precipice: Lucie de la Tour du Pin and the French Revolution by Caroline Moorehead

Me – Napoleon’s Australia: The Incredible Story of Bonaparte’s Secret Plan to Invade Australia by Terry Smyth

Thanks to our five fabulous hosts for anther amazing year of non-fiction and a huge thank you to ALL of you for your comments, suggestions and recommendations. It’s not easy to get around to all the posts every week, so I’m grateful that so many of you made the effort to do just that.

To complete my non-fiction November with a bang, the recent Classics Club spin, spun me a classic non-fiction bio about Louisa May Alcott – Eden’s Outcasts: The Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Father by John Matteson.

12 thoughts on “Non-Fiction November – Week 5

  1. Well, you have your French Revolution reading list ready for 2019!Eden's Outcast is excellent. New insights about father-daughter relationshipthat shaped her mind and writing.Thanks for the shout out!ps #ccspin is Moby Dick….I really got lucky this time!


  2. Glad to hear the weather is calming down! I look forward to hearing what you think of Eden's Outcasts. After re-reading Little Women and reading Anne Boyd Rioux's new book about Little Women this year, my curiosity about Louisa May Alcott is reignited…but I hate her father. Hate might be a bit too strong…but maybe not!


  3. Oh Chris I know exactly what you mean and I'm glad it's not just me! He's the main reason why I've been struggling to finish the bio. Bronson Alcott was so self-absorbed and selfish and careless about his family, he was driving me nuts.


  4. Thank you – today has been much calmer and the sun has just come out, so we may actually get some summer days soon! Have heard that our dramatic weather event made the news in the Netherlands and California though. Now we just have to worry about the folks in northern Queensland, enduring a major bushfire event (they normally get cyclones, floods and droughts up there, but rarely raging bushfires).


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