Nothing Holds Back the Night | Delphine de Vigan

My mother was blue, a pale blue mixed with the colour of ashes. I find myself drawn to memoirs that dive deep into difficult, complicated mother-daughter relationships. It's a dynamic fraught with push me/pull me tensions. Tensions that seem to only evolve with time. Is it possible to work them out? Come to terms with … Continue reading Nothing Holds Back the Night | Delphine de Vigan

Marie Curie & Her Daughters | Imogen & Isobel Greenberg

Marie Curie is one of my personal heroes. Ever since my Year 12 science depth-study on her, (which incidentally helped me to top the class and receive my one and only first-in-class medal) I have been constantly drawn to her story. As part of my depth-study research, I read Ève Curie's bio about her mother, … Continue reading Marie Curie & Her Daughters | Imogen & Isobel Greenberg

Such A Fun Age | Kiley Reid #USfiction

I had no intention of reading Such A Fun Age. The premise sounded mildly appealing/interesting: When Emira is apprehended at a supermarket for 'kidnapping' the white child she's actually babysitting, it sets off an explosive chain of events. Her employer Alix, a feminist blogger with the best of intentions, resolves to make things right.  But … Continue reading Such A Fun Age | Kiley Reid #USfiction

And the Mountains Echoed | Khaled Hosseini

I loved both The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns so my hopes were high for Hosseini's latest book. I wasn't disappointed. And the Mountains Echoed is a story of loss and abandonment.Loss of family, country, face, life, health, identity, home and memory are experienced by different characters at different times. This loss informs … Continue reading And the Mountains Echoed | Khaled Hosseini