Australian Novellas

Australian Novellas

What is a Novella? A word count of 17,500 to 39,999 is considered to be the norm, but I’ve also sited a 10,000 to 50,000 word limit range. Whichever word count you finally settle on though, makes no difference to the average reader in the end, as most books do not come with that kind of detail included.

Cathy and Rebecca (hosts of Novellas in November) use the 150 page guide to help get things started, but as we all know page count is prone to discrepencies around font size, margins and spacing. Different editions of the same book can vary greatly in page count.

With a little digging I discovered that a novella usually (but not always) contains one central conflict, often from one point of view, with a limited number of sub-plots. Most (but not all) will be set in one location within a continuous time frame with minimal backstory. Novellas generally contain only a small handful of characters with one main character whose story arc we follow. Most novella writers will make use of symbolism. Generally speaking novellas have no chapters.

A novella can usually be read in one sitting, or savoured over several reading sessions. Many people comment on how every word counts and is there for a reason in a novella. Reading between the lines is another phrase often associated with novellas. The reader appreciates the precise use of words and phrases as well as the deliberate pacing that usually builds up to a climatic or unexpected turning point. Novellas are compact but complex and often experimental in nature.

The most common definition of a novella is ‘a short novel’. As such, I do not consider that non-fiction fits into this category. However, there is always the case for autofiction, as well as some memoirs and narrative non-fiction.

The 120-180 page limit has become my benchmark in recent years, using the other factors above as a guide, especially when writing up my reviews. How about you?

What is an an Australian novella? My definition includes writers born in Australia and writers who choose to live in Australia at some other point in their life. It could also include novellas written by international writers that are predominantly set in Australia.

Links to my review will be attached to the main title. Other bloggers and their reviews will follow in brackets.

The Griffith Review Novella Project is now up to its 7th edition. Some of the novellas can be read online through the links provided. You can only read a few for free per month, though, so click wisely.

If you know of any more Australian Novellas, please let me know.

5 thoughts on “Australian Novellas

  1. Meg reminded me of Barbara Hanrahan – her Scent of Eucalyptus is under 200 pages, and I think could be included. I’ve reviewed it. Meg suggested Dove, though GoodReads has it at over 200 pages so??


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